If you have identified science attainment at GCSE as a key area of school improvement – then look no further. Up Learn’s GCSE science course can support even your weakest students all the way through their KS4 journey to a grade 9.
Pupil premium is funding given to schools to help raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils to help them reach their potential. The EEF’s menu of approaches outlines that the PP funding can be used for technology and other resources to support high-quality teaching and learning. Our GCSE science course leverages the latest technology in cognitive science, ensuring the students achieve mastery outside the classroom. Some of the key principles you will find in our courses include:
- Dispelling misconceptions – ensuring every learner understands even the most complex science concepts
- Retrieval Practice– supporting students to embed knowledge in their long term memory- a key reason why students struggle at GCSE science.
- Interleaved Learning – our courses support students to make links and connections between the topics in chemistry.
What makes Up Learn unique?
- Fun lessons and interactive quizzes to embed learning
- Easy-to-use dashboards to provide teachers and schools with the insights needed to address attainment gaps.
- Track students’ understanding and progress weekly
- Ideal one-stop shop for GCSE science homework setting and weekly intervention
How do Up Learn’s GCSE courses support Pupil Premium students?
Our GCSE sciences courses can be used and embedded in a number of ways to support both disadvantaged and non disadvantaged student, raising the attainment and outcomes for all:
- Catch up resource to support students who have missed lessons
- Intervention resource used in tuition, tutor periods, GCSE catch up
- Homework tool to increase independence and reduce teacher workload
- Early support to ensure your highest ability students extend their learning beyond the classroom
- Set summer homework for students to support with summer learning loss, before entrance to Year 11.
As outlined by the DFE, Schools and academies do not have to use pupil premium funding solely for PP students. PP can be used for whole class interventions which will raise the attainment of all, benefiting both disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged pupils. Buying Up Learn will raise the attainment of all your students at GCSE. Our course is designed to support students from the lowest grades, all the way up to a 9.
What does the GCSE Science course cover?
GCSE Combined Chemistry (AQA) is currently live. Trilogy science is launching October 2024.
How do we get students set up?
We know that getting a whole cohort set up on a platform can sometimes be time consuming but with our dedicated customer success team and data integration using Wonde – students can be Up Learning within 2 weeks. We’ll work with your data manager to connect to your MIS system while our team will provide you with in-school resources such as assemblies, parental letters and staff CPD to ensure pupils get the most out of the platform, from the moment they get their account details.
Pupil premium is a great funding resource for schools and working in partnership withUp will help create the best possible outcomes for your students and increase science progress 8 at GCSE. With teachers having greater insight into where the gaps are in their students’ knowledge, academic progress is accelerated. If you’d like to find out more about how Up Learn can work with you – get in touch.