Up Learn – A Level maths (edexcel) – The Double and Half Angle Identities
Double Angle and Half Angle Formulae: Summary
Here’s a summary of everything you need to know about the double and half angle identities – otherwise known as the double and half angle formulae – for A Level.
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More videos on The Double and Half Angle Identities:
Introduction to the Double and Half Angle Identities (free trial)
What is a Double Angle?(free trial)
The Sine Double Angle Identity (free trial)
Using the Sine Double Angle Identity Part 1 (free trial)
Using the Sine Double Angle Identity Part 2 (free trial)
The Cosine Double Angle Identity Part 1 (free trial)
The Cosine Double Angle Identity Part 2 (free trial)
Using the Cosine Double Angle Identity Part 1 (free trial)
Using the Cosine Double Angle Identity Part 2 (free trial)
Using the Cosine Double Angle Identity Part 3 (free trial)
2. The Sine Rule (free trial)
3. Using the Sine rule to calculate unknown side lengths (free trial)
4. Using the Sine rule to calculate unknown angles (free trial)
5. When the Sine Rule Identifies Two Possible Angles (free trial)
6. When the Sine Rule Identifies Two Possible Angles (free trial)
7. Why does subtracting from 180 give us the size of obtuse angles? (free trial)
8. The Cosine Rule free trial)
9. Using the Cosine Rule to calculate unknown angles (free trial)
10. Choosing between Soh Cah Toa, Sine Rule and Cosine Rule (free trial)
11. Finding Triangle Area Using the Sine Function (free trial)
2. Sine and Cosine’s First Outputs – Part 1 (free trial)
3. Sine and Cosine’s First Outputs – Part 2 (free trial)
4. Tangent’s First Outputs (free trial)
5. Where Does Sine Get Its Name From? (free trial)
6. All the Other Outputs For Sine – Part 1 (free trial)
7. All the Other Outputs For Sine – Part 2 (free trial)
8. All the Other Outputs For Cosine (free trial)
9. All the Other Outputs For Tangent (free trial)
9. Negative Outputs from the Tangent Function (free trial)
9. Why is the Output from Tangent Opposite over Adjacent? – Part 1 (free trial)
9. Why is the Output from Tangent Opposite over Adjacent? – Part 2 (free trial)
9. The First Trigonometric Identities (free trial)
2. Substituting Trig Functions – Part 1 (free trial)
3. The CAST Diagram (free trial)
4. Substituting Trig Functions – Part 2 (free trial)
5. Acute Angles and The Sine Function – Part 1 (free trial)
6. Acute Angles and The Sine Function – Part 2 (free trial)
7. Acute Angles and The Sine Function – Part 3 (free trial)
8. Acute Angles and the Cosine Function (free trial)
9. Acute Angles and the Tangent Function (free trial)
10. Solving Linear Equations with Trigonometric Functions – Part 1 (free trial)
11. Solving Linear Equations with Trigonometric Functions – Part 2 (free trial)
12. Solving Linear Equations with Trigonometric Functions – Part 3 (free trial)
13. Solving Trig Equations Using the Tan Identity – Part 1 (free trial)
14. Solving Trig Equations Using the Tan Identity – Part 2 (free trial)
15. Solving Trig Equations Using the Tan Identity – Part 3 (free trial)
16. When the Tan Identity Can’t Be Used (free trial)
17. Solving Trig Equations Using the Pythagorean Identity – Part 1 (free trial)
18. Solving Trig Equations Using the Pythagorean Identity – Part 2 (free trial)
19. Solving Trig Equations When the Input Isn’t Theta – Part 1 (free trial)
20. Solving Trig Equations When the Input Isn’t Theta – Part 2 (free trial)
21. Solving Trig Equations When the Input Isn’t Theta – Part 3 (free trial)
22. Recognising quadratic equations with trigonometric functions – Part 1 (free trial)
23. Recognising quadratic equations with trigonometric functions – Part 2 (free trial)
24. Solving Quadratic Equations Involving Trig Functions (free trial)
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3. Measuring Arc Length Part 2 (free trial)
4. Measuring the Area of a Sector Part 1 (free trial)
5. Measuring the Area of a Sector Part 2 (free trial)
6. Converting Between Different Units(free trial)
7. Converting from Degrees to Radian Measure (free trial)
8. Converting from Radian Measure to Degrees (free trial)
9. What is a Radian? (free trial)
10. Arc Length in Radian Measure (free trial)
11. Area of a Sector in Radian Measure (free trial)
12. Radian Mode and Trigonometry (free trial)
13. Area of a Segment in Radian Measure (free trial)
14. Hipparchus’ Triangles in Radians (free trial)
15. The CAST Diagram in Radians (free trial)
16. Trigonometric Curves in Radians (free trial)
17. Solving Trigonometric Equations in Radian Measure (free trial)
18. Degrees or Radians? (free trial)
2. What is a ‘Small Angle’? (free trial)
3. Approximating Sin Part 1 (free trial)
4. Approximating Sin Part 2 (free trial)
5. Approximating Tan Part 1 (free trial)
6. Approximating Tan Part 2 (free trial)
7. Approximating Cos Part 1 (free trial)
8. Approximating Cos Part 2 (free trial)
2. Arcus Functions (free trial)
3. The Inverses of Trig Functions (free trial)
4. The Problem with Inverse Trig Functions (free trial)
5. Restricting the Domains of Trig Functions (Part 1) (free trial)
6. Restricting the Domains of Trig Functions (Part 2) (free trial)
7. Memorising the Graph of the Inverse Sin Function (free trial)
8. Memorising the Graph of the Inverse Cos Function (free trial)
9. Memorising the Graph of the Inverse Tan Function (free trial)
2. What are Compound Angles? (free trial)
3. The Compound Angle Identity for Sine (free trial)
4. Finding More Outputs from the Sine Function (free trial)
5. The Compound Angle Identity for Cosine (free trial)
6. Finding More Outputs from the Cosine Function (free trial)
7. Compound Angles with One Unknown (free trial)
8. Solving More Trigonometric Equations (free trial)
9. How Do We Simplify asinx + bcosx? (free trial)
10. Dividing Equationss (free trial)
11. Dividing and Simplifying Equations (free trial)
12. Solving Simultaneous Trigonometric Equations Part 1 (free trial)
13. Solving Simultaneous Trigonometric Equations Part 2 (free trial)
14. Finding the Exact Value of y Part 1 (free trial)
15. Finding the Exact Value of y Part 2 (free trial)
16. Coefficients in Identities Are Always the Same (free trial)
17. Equating Coefficients in Conditional Identities (free trial)
18. Simplifying asinx + bcosx Part 1 (free trial)
19. Simplifying asinx + bcosx Part 2 (free trial)
20. Simplifying asinx + bcosx Part 3 (free trial)
21. Simplifying asinx + bcosx Part 4 (free trial)
22. Solving Harder Trigonometric Equations (free trial)
23. The Compound Angle Identity for Tangent (free trial)
24. Finding More Outputs from the Tangent Function (free trial)
25. Solving More Trigonometric Equations Part 3 (free trial)
26. Solving More Trigonometric Equations Part 4 (free trial)
27. Proving the Compound Angle Identities (free trial)
28. Proof Part 1: Side Lengths for the Three Triangles (free trial)
29. Proof Part 2: The Secret Triangle (free trial)
30. Proof Part 3: Proving the Sine and Cosine Identities (free trial)
31. Proving the Tangent Identity (free trial)
2. What is a Double Angle?(free trial)
3. The Sine Double Angle Identity (free trial)
4. Using the Sine Double Angle Identity Part 1 (free trial)
5. Using the Sine Double Angle Identity Part 2 (free trial)
6. The Cosine Double Angle Identity Part 1 (free trial)
7. The Cosine Double Angle Identity Part 2 (free trial)
8. Using the Cosine Double Angle Identity Part 1 (free trial)
9. Using the Cosine Double Angle Identity Part 2 (free trial)
10. Using the Cosine Double Angle Identity Part 3 (free trial)
11. Using the Cosine Double Angle Identity Part 4(free trial)
12. Using the Cosine Double Angle Identity Part 5 (free trial)
13. The Tangent Double Angle Identity (free trial)
14. Using the Tangent Double Angle Identity Part 1 (free trial)
15. Using the Tangent Double Angle Identity Part 2 (free trial)
16. Using the Double Angle Identities with Other Angles (free trial)
17. Finding the Half Angle Identities (free trial)
2. The Cosecant Function (free trial)
3. Outputs from the Cosecant Function (free trial)
4. Solving Equations with Cosecant Functions (free trial)
5. The Secant Function (free trial)
6. Outputs from the Secant Function (free trial)
7. Solving Equations with Secant Functions (free trial)
8. The Cotangent Function (free trial)
9. Outputs from the Cotangent Function (free trial)
10. Solving Equations with Cotangent Functions Part 1 (free trial)
11. Solving Equations with Cotangent Functions Part 2 (free trial)
12. Solving Equations with Multiple Reciprocal Functions (free trial)
13. More Pythagorean Identities Part 1 (free trial)
14. Solving Equations with the Pythagorean Identities Part 1 (free trial)
15. More Pythagorean Identities Part 2 (free trial)
16. Solving Equations with the Pythagorean Identities Part 2 (free trial)
17. Memorising the Graph of the Cosecant Function (free trial)
18. Memorising the Graph of the Secant Function (free trial)
19. Memorising the Graph of the Cotangent Function (free trial)
20. Where Do the Reciprocal Functions Get Their Names? (free trial)
21. What Are Complementary Angles? (free trial)
22. Tangents and Secants (free trial)
23. Where Does Tangent Get Its Name? (free trial)
24. Where Does Secant Get Its Name? (free trial)
25. Where Does Cotangent Get Its Name? (free trial)
26. Where Does Cosecant Get Its Name? (free trial)
27. Proving the Pythagorean Identities (free trial)
2. What are Parametric Equations?
3. Parametric Functions Tables
4. The Coordinates Given by Parametric Equations
5. Sketching the Curves of Parametric Equations (free trial)
6. Sketching Curves within a Restricted Domain (free trial)
7. What is a Parameter? (free trial)
8. Turning Parametric Equations into a Cartesian Equation (free trial)
9. Taking Shortcuts When Finding Cartesian Equations (free trial)
10. Turning Cartesian Equations into Parametric Equations (free trial)
11. Trigonometric Parametric Equations (free trial)
12. The Problem with Trigonometric Parametric Equations (free trial)
13. Converting When the Trig Functions are the Same (free trial)
14. Converting When the Trig Functions are Reciprocals (free trial)
15. Using the Pythagorean Identity (free trial)
16. A Faster Way to Use the Pythagorean Identity (free trial)
17. Using the Other Pythagorean Identities (free trial)
18. The Secret Power of the Reciprocal Identities Part 1 (free trial)
19. Parametric Equations We Can Convert So Far (free trial)
20. Multiple Trig Functions in One Parametric Equation (free trial)
21. Using the Double Angle Identities (free trial)
22. Using the Compound Angle Identities (free trial)
23. Negative Solutions to Parametric Equations (free trial)
24. The Domain and Range of Parametric Equations (free trial)
25. Finding Unknown Coordinates (free trial)
26. Finding Points of Intersection with Parametric Curves (free trial)
27. What if Both Curves Are Defined Parametrically? (free trial)
Here’s a reminder of the key points you should know about the double and half angle identities.
A double angle is any compound angle that is the sum of two equal angles.
There are double angle identities for sin, cos and tan which allow us to rewrite trig functions without the double angles. [show them greyed out]
First, the double angle identity for sine is this. [sin(2A) 2sin(A)cos(A)] [zoom in on it or grey out/ remove the other two]
If an equation we’re trying to solve contains sine functions with different multiples of the same input…
… this identity may provide a route to solving the equation.(wait 3 sec) [3sin (2x) -2sin x =0 → 3(2sin(x)cos(x)) – 2sin(x) =0 keep the identity on screen here and make it clear the green bit is what’s changing. Then show the next few lines of working too. 6sin(x)cos(x) -2sin(x) = 0 → 2sin(x)(3cos(x)-1)=0 → 2sin(x)=0 or 3cos(x)=1.]
Or, if we have sine and cosine functions multiplied together, we can use this identity in reverse. [e.g. 8sin(x)cos(x) =3 → 4sin(2x) =3 keep the identity on screen here and make it clear the green bit is what’s changing] (wait 2 sec)
Second, the double angle identity for cosine can be written in 3 ways. [cos(2A) cos2(A)-sin2(A) or cos(2A)1-2sin2(A) or cos(2A)2cos2(A)-1 but can grey out “cos(2A)” for the 2nd and 3rd ones]
If an equation we’re trying to solve contains cos functions with different multiples of the same input… [cos(2x) = 3cos(x) -4]
Any of these identities may provide a route to solving the equation. [Show using the bottom of the 3 identities to change to 2cos2(x)-1 = 3cos(x) -4…. Then 2cos2(x)-3cos(x)+3=0]
And it doesn’t matter which of the three we use: if one of them works, all three of them will work eventually!
But this flowchart can gives us a good idea of which identity is most likely to be useful.(wait 5 sec) [This but include the full identity in each box.]
Alternatively, if we recognise that the equation we want to solve contains a term in one of these forms…(click once) [show all the identities and highlight the RHSs]
Third, the double angle identity for tan is this. [tan(2A) 2tan(A)1-tan2(A)]
If an equation we’re trying to solve contains tan functions with different multiples of the same input…
This identity may provide a route to solving the equation.
[Show this example making it clear that we’re using the identity to change the green bit: 6tan (A) = tan (2A) →6tan (A)= 2tan(A)1-tan2(A) ]
… or when part of the equation is in this form, we can use the identity in reverse. [tan(A)1-tan2(A) And then show this example making it clear that we’re using the identity to change the green bit 4tan(x)1-tan2(x)=3 → 2tan(2A)=3]
And all of the double angle formulae can work with other angles too…
… as long as these angles are always double these angles. [Show sin(2A)2sin(A)cos(A), cos(2A)cos2(A)-sin2(A), tan(2A)2tan(A)1-tan2(A) and highlight all the 2A’s at once followed by all copies of just A at once (not the 2A’s this time).]
So, for instance, these all hold true. (wat for animation and wait 3 sec) [For these 3 examples, the important thing is that the angle on the left is twice the angle on the right so let’s highlight the angles.] [Maybe change one example at a time so they can focus on one at a time. So first for the sin(2A) example, show the equation, highlight 2A and A, then change to 20 and 10. Then same for the other examples.]
[sin(2A)2sin(A)cos(A) → sin(20)2sin(10)cos(10)]
[cos(2A)cos2(A)-sin2(A) → cos(4)cos2(A)-sin2(2)]
[tan(2A)2tan(A)1-tan2(A) → tan(25)2tan(12.5)1-tan2(12.5)]
Finally, here are the half angle identities for sine… [sin(x2)1-cos(x)2]
… and cos. [cos(x2)1+cos(x)2]
And you might find it useful to remember these, but technically the double angle identities can do anything these can, so memorising these is not strictly necessary.
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